GET v3/admin/getMemberInfo?memberId={memberId}
admin get the member detail info
Request Information
Name | Description | Additional information |
memberId |
Define this parameter in the request URI. |
Response Information
Response body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "cellPhone": "sample string 1", "homePhone": "sample string 2", "activeStatus": true, "memberId": "sample string 4", "email": "sample string 5", "firstName": "sample string 6", "lastName": "sample string 7", "photo": "sample string 8", "gender": "sample string 9", "nonBinary": true, "status": "sample string 11", "birthdate": "sample string 12", "grad": "sample string 13", "language": "sample string 14", "profileType": 15, "userName": "sample string 16", "albumId": "sample string 17", "isUserNameChanged": true, "isBirthdateChanged": true, "isGenderChanged": true, "changedUserName": "sample string 21", "changedBirthdate": "sample string 22", "hideGender": true, "removeNonBinaryOption": true }
application/xml, text/xml
<MemberInfoOutVO xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AlbumId xmlns="">sample string 17</AlbumId> <Birthdate xmlns="">sample string 12</Birthdate> <ChangedBirthdate xmlns="">sample string 22</ChangedBirthdate> <ChangedUserName xmlns="">sample string 21</ChangedUserName> <Grad xmlns="">sample string 13</Grad> <HideGender xmlns="">true</HideGender> <IsBirthdateChanged xmlns="">true</IsBirthdateChanged> <IsGenderChanged xmlns="">true</IsGenderChanged> <IsUserNameChanged xmlns="">true</IsUserNameChanged> <Language xmlns="">sample string 14</Language> <ProfileType xmlns="">15</ProfileType> <RemoveNonBinaryOption xmlns="">true</RemoveNonBinaryOption> <UserName xmlns="">sample string 16</UserName> <email xmlns="">sample string 5</email> <firstName xmlns="">sample string 6</firstName> <gender xmlns="">sample string 9</gender> <lastName xmlns="">sample string 7</lastName> <memberId xmlns="">sample string 4</memberId> <nonBinary xmlns="">true</nonBinary> <photo xmlns="">sample string 8</photo> <status xmlns="">sample string 11</status> <activeStatus>true</activeStatus> <cellPhone>sample string 1</cellPhone> <homePhone>sample string 2</homePhone> </MemberInfoOutVO>
Sample not available.